Listing, Searching and Managing Domain Registration Orders

In order to manage your domain names, you need to search for them from within your Control Panel with , and access their Order Information view.

To List/Search and Manage Domain Registration Orders

  1. Login to your Control Panel See details

  2. Next, click Manage Orders -> List/Search Orders.

  3. Search for the Domain Registration Order(s) by selecting Domain Registration under the For Product drop-down menu.

    • To search for Domain Registration Orders affected by the Registrant Contact email verification process, select Domain Registration under the For Product drop-down menu.


      • To search for Orders for which the Registrant Contact email address verification is pending, select Pending under the Verification Status drop-down menu.

      • To search for Orders which have been deactivated due to non-verification of the Registrant Contact email address, select Suspended under the Verification Status drop-down menu.

  4. On the next page, you would see a list of all your Domain Registration Orders bought through . Click any domain name to reach its Overview.

  5. Click the Domain Registration tab to reach the Order Information view, from where you can perform any modifications to the Order.